Goal Management – Part 1

You can use goal in CRM to define and track individual progress of an individual, a team or an organizational progress to achieving goals.
The Goal Metric is defined based on the field value of a specific record type. The Goal Target is defined based on the Goal Metric Value for a specific time period. The Goal Owner is the user or team which the goal is assigned to.

Pre-Validation Events for Delete Plugins

When you are creating a plugin that must perform certain actions on the Delete message, you might at times try to make changes to the associated records of the records that is being deleted. When you call the Delete message using either the Pre-Operation or Post-Operation events, the associations to the underlying related records are deleted before the actual records is deleted. 

Open Entity Form with the new Xrm.Utility object

Update Rollup 8 for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 was released in May 2011, but an updated SDK was not provided with the rollup.
The Xrm.Utility objet provides a container for a couple of useful functions, that are available in every page that supports scripting. These functions can be used from form scripts or ribbon commands.

Brite Global attains Gold Customer Relationship Management Competency

Brite Global attains the Gold Customer Relationship Management competency.
Microsoft Partners with Gold Competencies represent organizations that have demonstrated the highest, most consistent capability and commitment with a specific Microsoft Business Solutions area. Achieve a Gold Competency helps indicate our best-in-class capabilities to our customers. By earning this distinction of a Gold Competency, Brite Global receives unique benefits designed to support our business objectives. As a Microsoft Partner, we have earned a combination of both Gold and Silver competencies.