Creating Web Resource with a Lookup Control

A few years ago we had some requirements where we needed to pop up an html web resource where users could select a value from a related entity (in a manner similar to a lookup control). We originally developed this as a regular drop down and retrieving the values using Rest messages, but later on decided to change this and have the user click on a “lookup” style control inside the web resource to get this working.

Disable Delete icon on subgrid

We recently had a requirement that users wanted to hide the Delete icon on the subgrid to prevent users from deleting records. Of course it is possible to remove the Delete privilege on the entity in Security Roles, but the requirement was different. When the status of the parent record was Active, the Delete operation should be allowed, however when the parent record was Inactive, the Delete operation should not be allowed.

Action Parameters referencing deleted entities

While working on a project, I recently encountered a strange behavior in Dynamics 365. I am not sure if this is a bug (or feature), but something that we should be really careful about. One of the entities that we were working on, was created without following the organizational guidelines and had to be recreated. In this particular scenario it is not really a big deal because the project is still in early stages of implementation so changes and cleanup occur on a regular basis.

Populate Lookup field based on related entity value

In the last week I have seen at least three posts of requests on how to populate a lookup field based on a value of a text field that is supposed to search for the same data in a related entity. I am not going to delve on whether or not what you are trying to do is the correct choice, as I don’t have your exact set of requirements, but I will explain how to perform the functions that you are looking for.

Status and Status Reason in Dynamics CRM

Microsoft Dynamics CRM and Microsoft Dynamics 365 provide indicators throughout the application to help us know whether the records that we are seeking are available to work on or have already been deactivated (resolved, won, cancelled or no longer needed). These indicators are set using the Status and Status Reason fields, which are also linked together.

CRM 2011 Errors with State Code or Status Code is invalid when deleting a managed solution

After importing a managed solution and making changes to the environment by removing some of the out-of-the-box views for the Contact or Account entity, we encounter an error if we ever try to delete the managed solution. The error is “State code or status code is invalid” or 1 is not a valid status code for state code…”