Migrating your Client API to Dynamics 365 CE (v9) – Part II – Attributes

In this second post of the series, we will review the changes between the properties and methods of the attribute based on the getAttributes Collection or the Xrm.Page.getAttribute method. The tables below will show the base methods of the attribute, as well as specific method for specific attribute types.

Migrating your Client API to Dynamics 365 CE (v9) – Part I

In this series, I will show the list of Dynamics CRM Api calls, and their new counterparts in Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement (v9). The first of this series will focus on the Xrm.Utility, Xrm.Page.data, Xrm.Page.ui and Xrm.Page.context. I will demonstrate the method calls in Dynamics CRM and how to get the same functionality using Dynamics 365 CE.

Populate Lookup field based on related entity value

In the last week I have seen at least three posts of requests on how to populate a lookup field based on a value of a text field that is supposed to search for the same data in a related entity. I am not going to delve on whether or not what you are trying to do is the correct choice, as I don’t have your exact set of requirements, but I will explain how to perform the functions that you are looking for.

Cloning a Record in Dynamics CRM

Recenly we received requests from clients and some questions from Dynamics Community members on how to Clone records. Although there are some available solutions out there, and the various possibilities on how to implement this, we would like to demonstrate here one possibly and not to complicated way on how to implement this. This implementation involved using Ribbon Workbench to create the Clone button and a Command that will execute a JavaScript function, which will call an action and execute Plugin/Action code to copy the record.

Controlling Attribute Status in Editable Grids

Recently we blogged about some of the functionality of Editable Grids in the Dynamics 365 release of the CRM application. We pointed out some of the features of the grid, including the capability of having read-only (disabled) fields. In this post we will discuss how to control the status of the fields based on a value of another field.

Form and Grid Form Context

Finally, after a long wait, editable grids are here. With the release of the editable grids, there have been some changes implemented not only on the grid, but also on the way that data that is manipulated from the form. There is now a single set of code that can be run from both the form and the grid, so that you don’t have to write your code separately for each.